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D'Lite Pink Pair, Regular Size - Ultra Bright

D'Lite Pink Pair, Regular Size - Ultra Bright

Regular price $24.95 USD
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Show your hands empty and then pluck a D'Lite pink light out of the air. Perfect for close-up magic in fantasy Magic,  with fairies, fairy God mothers and magical Wizards.

From the original maker of the original light up thumbs, new and improved Ultra Bright D’lite. Easier to use and more deceptive and created decades before Bright Bugz

The D'Lite® lighted thumbs magic trick is the original US Patented lighted thumbs; created and owned by Roger Mayfarth. ONLY D'Lite® has a guarantee and is made of high quality materials which is RoHS compliant and safe, as mandated by every environmental authority in every country. D'Lite® is certified to contain NO PHTHALATES, which upset the endocrine system and are linked to cancer. Only D'Lite® will certify the safety of our Light Up Thumbs™brand. BEWARE of illegal counterfeits which are NOT RoHS compliant and are hazardous to your health.

D'Lite Magic Lights from Anywhere Ultra Bright Pink is a beautiful Pink magical light that you can produce with your empty hands. Perform stunning easy magic tricks anyone can do.

Show your hands empty then pluck a bright Pink D’Lite light out of the air, pass it from hand to hand and make D'lite disappear. Pretend to put one in your mouth, and pull it out of your ear. Pass the light through your ears over and over or play catch with your friends. Hold an ice cube in your bare hands, and make it glow bright Pink at your command. Make a napkin glow bright Pink at your command. Drop the light into a cup, make the cup light up, then show it empty, put a bright Pink light in your mouth and blow it back out into your hand and Pass the light through solid objects. Magical ideas limited only by your imagination. Lots of fun for everyone.

D'Lite Pink is A great addition for Clowns, magicians, girls theme magic shows, Fantasy Fairy Birthday parties and Halloween magic Tricks.

These are the Original famous D'Lite Light Up Thumbs invented by Roger Mayfarth. D'Lite Ultra Bright is 3x brighter. D’Lite Magic Lights From Anywhere are the Original "lights from the fingertips" magic trick, and D’Lite Ultra Brights are the latest version providing the brightest and most vivid colors available.

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