NEW Vintage Fire Cards by Dave Powell
NEW Vintage Fire Cards by Dave Powell
Effect: The effect is simple. At anytime in the magician act he removes a pack of playing cards, opens the card case and flames flow from the box. He blows out the cards and turns the mouth of the box to the spectator's as he removes the cards. There is nothing to see, no gimmick on the cards or box. He performs whatever card effects he wishes and returns to the box.
Secret: Before you start the trick you need to put lighter fluid on the small wick and lighter fluid on the large wick. Now slide the gimmick down into the card case with the cards in them. The flint wheel should be showing through the circular cut in the case where the card box seal was broken, and the large wick should be on top of the end of the cards laying flat. Next, carefully shut the flap to the case and place in your pocket.
Performing: Take the card case out of your pocket and open the flap. With your thumb pressed against the back of the box so that the gimmick cannot slide down use your right index finger to strike the flint wheel. The small wick will ignite the large wick and flames will appear flowing from the top pf the case. Carefully blow out the flames and slide the gimmick down between the cards and case. Turn the mouth of the box to the spectator's as you remove the cards. There is nothing to see mas the gimmick is hidden between the cards and case. Take out the cards and lay the card case on the table. Perform whatever card tricks you want. Now, pick up the cards and slide them back into the case, tilting the case so that the cards slide on top and over the gimmick. Shut the card case flap and place the deck back in your pocket.
NOTES: Anytime the flint wears down simply remove the small screw at the bottom of the flint posts and replace it with a standard flint.