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Find the Hole by Ronjo - Coin (M9)

Find the Hole by Ronjo - Coin (M9)

Regular price $9.99 USD
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A borrowed coin is placed on a solid, square sheet of rubber.

The sheet, with the coin on top, is placed over the mouth of an empty glass (not included). A rubber band secures it so nothing can get inside. The spectator pushes the coin through the sheet into the glass! Upon examination, the rubber sheet is found still intact and in place, there are no holes!

Easy to perform. You can use any coin and any glass as long as the rubber sheet fits across the top. Instead of one coin try several coins or other small objects such as buttons.

Comes with 4 sheets of rubber (approx. 5" squared) and instructions, which give 2 variations.

This is our brand of the popular Pena Coin. There are two big differences between Find The Hole and Pena Coin. The first is that Ronjo’s comes with four rubber sheets, Pena Coin comes with three. The second is the thickness of the rubber sheet. Ours comes with a mid-grade thickness. Making it easy to set up but not so thin that they are prone to tear upon set up or tear after just a couple of uses.

We tested thicker sheets but they are either too difficult to set up or they make the illusion easy to detect.

Warning: This product uses natural latex. If you have an allergic reaction to latex, do not use this product.

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