Premonition - Card by Ronjo (C4)
Premonition - Card by Ronjo (C4)
One red and one blue deck are shown. One deck is selected by the spectator. Let's say the RED deck. The cards are spread and just as one is about to be picked, the magicians closes the fan and says, "No. Wait. I want to make this as fair as possible." The magicians turns the deck face up and spreads them. The spectator calls out a card and that card is places face up on the table. Next the blue deck is removed from the box. You explain ONE card is missing from this deck. "The card you freely picked." Show each card and count one through fifity-one. Now take their card as you say 52. Turn over the back of their card and it has a blue back! That's right, they pick the only card of a different color form one deck. Only to be found it is missing from the other deck.
Self Working.
Easy to do!
No Rough and Smooth.
Comes with 2 - Special Bicyce Decks.